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An idea for how quickly each character's sex scene will unlock as you progress your relationship with them.


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Marry Garst eh? Hmm..


Oh ho ho, I actually didn't know how far the romances went in this. Niceee


Didn't realize relationships could progress that far, interesting! Lends an even more satisfyingly Stardew kinda feel to the NPC relationships, I really dig it


Will all characters be able to reach the ‘marriage’ stage, sex scene unlock aside?

dizzy ditzy

Hell yeah, dragon wife


i want to marry that bitch.


It is interesting to be sure. The buildup after a courtship should be rewarding to get to those scenes.


The true dilemma: Dragon husband or Yeti husband?


I liked Goldra enough already to marry her so the need is a side benefit


Also I know that it was announced that Umbra from Desert Fox was going to make an appearance in this game. Would she be included in this list or is she more of a background character?

Icarus Media

That plant guy with the blonde hair always disturbed me since you added him ages ago. i think because when I was younger I played a game called FABLE and his face resembles one of the most creepiest characters from that game. Other than that though everything is good.


Oh yeah, dragon wife~


waifu material is on point.


Who's the scarred dragon hunk?


How is going to be the relationship mechanic ? Are we going to rise the relationship level by fighting together or doing specific actions with the said character alike a dating sim ?


Looking over the game, it has a lot of really interesting content in it. I can however say: It is really, really, REALLY lacking in terms in terms of the females. Not as in: There aren't females in it. (And a lot of them have really cool animations) But as in: There's literally 0 female chars with unique genitalia in the game. (At least all builds I've seen) There's plenty of hyper males, or males with unique penis designs. Heck, nearly all of them have a unique one. Whereas all the females are either flat, or have standardized hentai pussy. It is really cool that the females in game can actually sometimes have a sex drive+need, unlike the majority of porn games. But would be nice if a little effort could be put into giving them different vulvae.