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The starting farm will have 1 pasture, 1 field, and one overgrown section, letting the player figure out best how to handle things. As time goes on the player will be able to upgrade the farm further and further, clearing land, then upgrading field sections by three levels, which involves making them more and more organized and clear, allowing more and more to be planted in them, or more monsters to be stored. Further, if adjacent areas are made to match, then they'll increase things yet further.

The storage shed is also getting an overhaul, and there'll be a job board for organizing labor easily across the whole farm.




Neat stuff! Looking forward to checking it out


So there will be more stuff for your monsters to be doing that will be very handy. I find right now they just kind of sit there or fuck that's about it.... Until late game when you can put a few here or there. >_<


The job board sounds awesome


Yesss, I'm super excited!


Pastures are more or less replacing barns, and the number of monsters you have is going to be more limited to encourage players churning through monsters faster.


Will you ever do an android release/update?


looks awesome im very excited to play it


When will the sound of effects and scenes be ready?


Looking good!


As and when they're completed and implemented more properly. Like scenes themselves, the new schedule is rather than monthly releases, it's 'as new features become available'