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Hotfixes are defined primarily by being focused on bug fixes rather than adding new HDs, features, or major changes. In those cases a letter will be added to the end of the version number, rather than ticking up the last digit. The 3rd digit is for which parts we've completed, the 2nd digit is for what arcs are complete, and the first digit is for the final versioning number, and will tick up to 1 when we complete the full game.

Saves are compatible.*


  • Added a few missing idle animations.
  • Added scene options to the options menu.


  • Contest now take 3 hours out of the day to complete.


  • Made it a little bit harder to win the breeding contest


  • Disabled the old scarecrow UI
  • Fixed a variety of issues with the album and it’s scenes
  • Fixed a variety of farming related bugs
  • Fixed wrong dialogue in for field scene
  • Fixed the code not working on the option menu
  • Fixed Sieger forgetting he needs to speak so the player can progress the story.
  • Fixed a bug where it wouldn’t tell you if are pregnant if you mated with a monster that doesn’t have an HD sprite yet.
  • Fixed there not being a Goldra filter button in the album.
  • Fixed a bug where you could compete in a contest more than once a day.

*You will have to manually move the saves from your old data folder to the new one, these files would be savedata##.xml, global.sav and folders named Dungeon Data #. (The # means number), If there are no dungeon data folders don’t worry about it.



My mouse doesn't move well. Any thoughts..


I believe the Evan x Female Centaur scene is bugged in the album. If you click it, then go to any other scene, the characters are blacked out and glitchy. Also, I don't know if the Eve x Male Lamia scene is still a WIP, but it is also very glitchy. Still love the game though! Hope this helps out with stuff cx


Is the Conversation after the first fight you get into bugging out for anyone else. No matter how many tiems i reload my save or restart the game the i cant get the dialog to start to unlock dungeon island to roll.


Huh, that SHOULD have been fixed in this version and it has been for a lot of people. Can you toss us your output log and save files?