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Price For Freedom: Avarice, by Team Dead Deer, is a classic roleplaying game inspired by Baldurs Gate with a mix of gameplay elements from the tabletop board game Kingdom Death. Heavy dialogue-driven narrative and world building are two of the major cornerstones of the game, along with fully realized characters with their own personalities and aspirations. 

Not to mention a chance for romance, or just no-strings-attached fun! Aiming for a witcher-esque handling of relationships and sex (albeit a bit more graphic), with a plan to flesh out the relationship mechanics with companions and personalities across the game further in development… PFF Avarice aims to be a fully realized CRPG world and take place among other revivals of this one great genre such as Divinity Original Sin II, Shadowrun, and the like. We hope it sparks your interest and you enjoy the project too! 

Click Here to see their take on Goldra! 




Neat, definitely checking em out. Love that you guys are cross promoting such varied and interesting games


So here's my question, how do you guys determine who you do cross promotions with?


We've approached a couple teams directly when seeing projects that we like, and have been approached by one or two! We will check out the project and team and then if we like what we see and feel comfortable with a cross-promotion, we'll set it up. If you or anyone you know is interested have them message us on discord, twitter, or wherever you know one of us team members. We love to meet more of the community. wait a minute... This isn't our patreon!? xD oops.

AGL games

Lover her! Great design (=


A heads up. I heard patreon is purging creators left and right. Finding an alternative might be on the to do list.


Sounds like they are going to start a new probition. This time we will have peak easies and porn hub will be our leader


They got me with that jackal gal alone tbh