Sudden Declines. (Patreon)
"So unfortunately, a LOT of people's pledges are declining this month, and it's due to Patreon's error.
They switched to a new global bank and it screwed up everyone's payments.
So if your pledge didn't go through this month, please try any of the following to fix things;
1) Update your credit card to a different card
2) Use PayPal if you aren't already
3) Probably the easiest solution, contact your bank to let them know the Patreon charges aren't fraudulent; this should be a one time thing
Once you've done any of those, just re-pledge at the same amount this month (if the pledge goes through successfully, you won't be double charged, don't worry, and if you are somehow, contact me and I'll refund you).
Sorry about all this, but hopefully this should only be a one time thing as Patreon switches to a new bank setup.
Thanks for understanding, and thanks for helping us out with this; your support is entirely the reason we can keep this game going!"