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Saves are compatible.*


  • Fixed missing ingredients on cooking ui when you only have one.
  • Fixed catgirl portrait missing from combat contest UI
  • Fixed cooking UI telling you that you made something again instead of the first time.
  • Fixed recipes not unlocking after cooking them for the first time.
  • Fixed Flimflam giving health instead of experience.
  • Fixed level & xp not being saved correctly which was giving free level ups.
  • Fixed items not giving xp gain when they should. (They give it for 12 hours)
  • Potentially fixed some recipe bugs.

*You will have to manually move the saves from your old data folder to the new one, these files would be savedata##.xml, global.sav and folders named Dungeon Data #. (The # means number), If there are no dungeon data folders don’t worry about it.

Known Bugs



Please make sure to check the Bug Reports Page before reporting bugs, this last one was made before many bug reports were submitted.

Nick Clinite

Anybody else getting an unspecified error when they try to unzip the Windows version?


Still unable to unzip. I've been having this issue since Beta 0.0.0B. --> disregard. Worked around via different decompression application.


You might have to download a winrar to unzip it. I use this one: <a href="https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&amp;L=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&amp;L=0</a> Just download it will give you a free version of it and it allows me to unzip without error.


Since teams policy change? are you planning to put it up on steam?

Nick Clinite

Okay, winrar's working.


time doesn't work


what happened to eve x male holstaur? i noticed it went missing

Luis Martinez

Yo, is the album working well for anyone else? Because I can't seem to access it. Spamming it like crazy and it's not doing much other than saying "new image added to the album!"

Luis Martinez

Update, I updated my patreon to get codes. False alarm muh bad.


My game wont go further then 7:00 AM, but if i go to bed the day will change but the clock is stil the same, any ideas?


Is the Grinder fight in the barracks not supposed to give EXP anymore?


Possibly, we're a year and a half minimum from completion of the game, and we'll see if Steam actually follows through.