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Another hotfix, probably not going to have nailed every single issue that was found previously, but we went in, retinkered with the combat stats to hopefully equalize some things, and found a few weird breeding bugs that slipped the net, along with some other minor bugs that we caught and fixed. This'll be the last one until release provided there's nothing utterly game breaking.

For folks who still can't get codes to work, I'm sorry, but we've tried everything and we can't replicate the bug at all on any build on any of our systems.



Codes are still not working for me. (Will unlock some but not all scenes, same as described in my comment on the last hotfix.) Let me know if there are any specs/game files I can send that would help. (Or maybe there was a new unlock code I missed. The one I'm using starts with J and J.)


Some more notes! -Egg marker over pregnant monster's head only shows up sometimes. So far, has only shown up for female monsters who are standing on the stairs... -Not sure if there is supposed to be a hatching animation, or alert? Right now I just noticed if I go to sleep then the next day the eggs are gone and adult monsters are in my barn. -Got a message saying Eve was pregnant, but don't see any way to harvest eggs from Eve? -After a few days of breeding, two of my monsters, Catgirl and Cowgirl, who previously laid eggs, are missing from the barn. The two new ones I hatched are still there. Maybe because I ran out of barn space after I'd already collected the two new eggs? So then it won't let me collect any new eggs, and it deleted two monsters to make room for the two I just hatched. --Just figured this out. When I set four of my monsters to breed, my missing monsters suddenly showed up again. It seems like the barn treats breeding monsters like they don't exist, and will let you keep incubating eggs. But when they're done breeding, two monsters disappear to make up for the overflow. -It might be nice if we could keep collecting eggs, and just couldn't put them in the incubator until there was more barns. Then we could sell or give the eggs away? (Maybe give eggs to monster tribes to help with repopulation?) Or just start saving them up for the future when I get another barn? -Always get prompt to interact with monsters, but can't collect anything from male monsters or female monsters who aren't pregnant. Wondering what this is for? Other types of interaction in the future? Or it just always says you can interact even when you can't? -Tried Ringing the Bell again. Seems Brontide and his sister start with their blue bars already depleted? And then the bars never fill back up. But Eve was managing to fight against the butcher knife thing just fine. Monster one shot both dragons, but seems to only inflict bleeding on Eve? My health also seems to restore by itself. I've done minimal damage to the monster, but can't seem to do more damage no matter how long I fight. Basically, can't work him down any further, he just stays kinda scratched up. I think he's healing too and I just can't do enough damage to get him lower by myself. Might be good to have some visual representation when damage is dealt or health is restored like red text saying "10 damage" or green text saying "healed 10". Emergency exited battle since it wasn't going anywhere. -Experienced graphical flashing (white with some black) while walking across town.) -Tried scimitar dude battle again, now party members blue bars are filling up. Also actually doing damage to the enemies. Managed to actually kill one of the little ones, which was exciting! Another one healed to full right as he was about to die. Not sure if that's an item or an ability. Sometimess the blue words "Miss" will appear even though the opponents health is going down. (This happened with Eve using the plant thing on a goon.) -Killed the second good, and after a turn he just sort of... Got back up again? But now he has no health or stamina bars. Not sure why this happened? First dead one is still on the ground. Overall it feels like Brontide is not doing as much damage as he should be? He's doing the same as everyone else even though his skill says he should be doing double or more. This third goon is healing to full every time he attacks, which is getting a bit annoying. Stopped attacking him to try for a different goon. Fourth guy is also healing every time he attacks. Trying for the last goon. Last goon also heals to full every time he attacks. Seems that the entire back row of goons does this. Not sure it is possible to kill them unless I get very lucky. Went after the boss with the scimitar, and unfortunately it looks like he also heals to full every time he attacks. Emergency exited battle since it wasn't possible to finish it. -Overall I had fun with this build! I hadn't had a chance to check out breeding or combat in previous ones too much, so I was excited to see the progress. I really like the music in the Catgirl dungeon area too.


thx dude u made me a day ! ^^


There are logs in the following folders! Please send them onto us at our email: Support@cloudmeadowgame.com


Gonna answer some of your questions from the last one here that are applicable. But first, thanks for the thorough bug report! We like some of your suggestions for features and will try to get them in as soon as we can, even if we're focused on features not QoL and usability right now. Some of the stuff, like running is in the game, but obviously not easy enough to find out about (Hold shift). There will be additional things to interact with monsters, and we wish to make it so you can always interact with them., as there'll be other things you can do (directly choosing to bang them for example, feeding them, looking directly at their stats screen. Fnally, for Eve, her egg goes directly into her inventory when she lays it.


when you play the female @ male dragon animation and hit the orgasm button. both characters move down to the bottom of the screen.


No matter the variant i use, the codes dont work, ive been going down each hotfix and all the other codes work, but when i use this one, nothing happens,


Buttons are still broken in Linux version which was reintroduced in 2.01.4E and was previously working perfectly in 2.01.4D.


Could you try deleting all the save files from your system, then reinstalling, you can find the file paths in one of my replies earlier in this thread of comments. We've been beating our heads into a wall trying to fix this one.


Trying to see what we can do for this. Not sure what we changed between versions that would have caused this.


still cannot play. jitters hard and runs at about 15-ish frames a minute. tried it windowed and it just crashed on the first load screen


The dungeon despite having more than enough than the recommended specs runs at like 5 fps constant. Sex scenes in the album will not unlock when playing the game. Most of the HD scenes are unlocked from the get go but others like the cyclops or male dragon are blocked as are most sprite sex scenes.


We think this has to do with global data corruption, it will be fixed in the next build.