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More quality of life and bug fixes folks. 



Combat animations don't play, I have to emergency exit out of every combat. No damage is dealt ever.


I tried to download the newest version and it is giving me trouble saying that there should be a 2.01.3E_win_data' folder next to the executable? please help I don't understand why or what it is trying to tell me I extracted all the files but what is it talking about <x.x>??? </x.x>


In my area I am having trouble downloading the file due to internet. I was wondering if it would be to much trouble to get a mega upload link made instead? Also, can someone please tell me the file size of this download?


lol that might be why I'm having trouble on my side sorry for troubling you guys I just hope ill be able to play once it goes live you guys are doing great so far from the little bit I got to play with keep up the great work guys ill try to keep paying but I might have to stop briefly will that hurt my test game abilities?


Can't start the game. "Falied to load mono."