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A slew of bugs you reported have been fixed, and some minor quality of life improvements, and a bunch of visual ones, have been made to the overall design in this hotfix.



I have encountered a problem related to in-game conversations. Each dialogue starts from the box filled with "some text some sext some text...", there are no character portraits, and once the dialogue ends or a choice must be made, the game does not respond to anything until options or inventory button is pressed so that you leave the conversation. As a result, a trip to the dungeon becomes impossible. This issue seems to exist in all recent hotfixes but is not present in the original version.


Huh, thanks for the heads up. This in Windows or Linux, and which conversations exactly?


Maybe I missed something in the previous notes, but I noticed my full screen button is gone. Is this intended?


Not sure if it's a bug... But everytime I get into the building where you meed the dragon brothers they give me the first conversation. Also, when starting a fight in the training pit, the fighting animations won't work and no damage is done to either (player and foe). It lets you chose the skills normally though. Just as a suggestion, I'd would be nice to get a message that states if a female is "pregnant" and can't pair. I noticed that some females (player included) can't pair for several days after pairing like before and then yielded eggs. It's slightly confusing at start, so maybe some message over their heads or as a chat box would be helpful to clear that up for the player. Last but not least, I found that I could walk on the sky at the dungeon, when getting out of the ray-ship, if I came back, sometimes I'd stay at the rocks in the middle and could walk freely around the sky, can attach a screenshot if needed. Bugs found in windows version.


Had the same combat issue, also don't know if it's an issue or just a work in progress thing. If it's the latter apologies for the redundancy.


I may have encountered a bug....Well, I think it is. I can't find any combat in the first dungeon. Nor do I have the tutorial on combat pop up for me either. Not sure what's going on here. Also, I wish when your character goes into the barn, the monsters in there greet you. It would add a personal touch to the game, and make the monsters more alive in my opinion.