Patron Build: Alpha v2.01.2 (Patreon)
With that in mind, the following things have been fixed up in the build.
1) The Time system is now functioning exactly as intended, with time passing properly over the course of each day, from 7:00AM to 3:00AM
2) The Breeding System had several massive errors involving how eggs were being laid, when they were being laid, and how they functioned. Now, that should all be fixed. When you breed or milk a monster, they will sleep for the rest of the day, unable to be used for anything else. Pregnant monsters will continue to sleep for the entire next day, and then give you an egg the next morning. Eggs take 20 in game hours to hatch, but if you sleep, the difference in time between when you go to bed and the next morning will be subtracted from the Eggs' growth.
3) Crops should finally be growing properly. Each night they will grow by a stage from planted, to sprout, to growing, to harvestable, and finally to withered. Each day you will have to water them, if they are not watered, then they will wither. Eventually there will be systems in place to make it so that if you over water a plant, it will wither as well. Make sure to water your plants each and every day!
4) The action point system has been adjusted, all farming actions cost 1 point, you still have 100 points that are replenished each night you sleep.
5) You can now buy, and sell, more than one item at a time.
Finally, in the known bugs. While all of the HD scenes appear to be fine for the moment, the game is riddled with other bugs. The issue lies in how the game imports information. We've got way too much in the way of pretty visual data, and we're going to have to do a workaround. The following is a message from Wilson Wobbletop, our original programmer and Unity wiz, who is helping us nail this issue, we expect to have it fixed by next Wednesday at the latest.
~Judge Heath
Hello! As you may have noticed, in previous builds including the current one, multiple sprites have been corrupted. This is an issue we've been fighting with as of late, but don't fret, a fix is on the way! By this upcoming Wednesday we will hopefully have alleviated these sprite corruption issues.
In simple terms, the reason for these corruption issues stems from the way we are loading our dynamic assets, namely, the UI dialogue sprites, and the animations. During the build process, these are all packed into a single very large file. This file is currently exceeding 4gb, the maximum amount of memory that can be accessed at one time. When a sprite is packed beyond the 4gb gap, Unity can load garbage data instead. This is what you see with these corrupted sprites.
Our fix concerns both the large file size and the way we load assets. We will be replacing this single file with a few smaller AssetBundles. To the user, this SHOULD change nothing. As we can't avoid having such large files with the quality and quantity of our sprites, the overall file size will remain the same. Even from the beginning of the project, this has been an issue we've had in the back of our minds. Hopefully with this fix, we will alleviate any and all issues having to do with loading our files.
~Wilson Wobbletop
Update: Replaced the horrendously bugged previous version with the current hotfix.