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This structure is very special, in that it allows you to automate the process of watering your fields through the scarecrow menu! Once a water tower is built, all you must do is go to the field, and set what level of watering you wish it to experience over the course of the day. Importantly, you can even -drain- fields of water, which can be very important indeed if you are struck by a terrible thunderstorm and you are dealing with crops that can be drowned out.




When will this be available approximately?


Can't give an approximate estimate. We'd -like- to have it by next December but we can't guarantee that. Check our Dev Cycle and look for the content sweeps we're planning.


wait, next december, as in next years december?


As in this year's december (2017) or next January (2018). Next year's december we should be beginning the polish phase or wrapping up final systems.


oh man, this is super exciting! i totally look forward to all the hard work you guys will be doing to get the game to this point<3