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Here's the thing guys. Normally we try to avoid politics on our blog, we really do, people come looking for porn to avoid drama and problems. Unfortunately the drama and problems are now coming after our bottom line and that means we are forced to act and inflict this stuff on you guys.

The simple truth of the matter is this. The only reason that places like Pornhub, Patreon, and Netflix are able to operate is that the rules for net neutrality exist as they do. Netflix was literally strong armed into paying higher rates to one of the major cable companies and internet service providers because said provider throttled the bandwidth going to and from their websites.

Please imagine what will happen if these monsters are able to charge for faster and slower lanes of traffic, rather than just reinvesting in their infrastructure like they've been forced too everywhere else on the planet. Patreon might be the next guys to be strong armed, which in turn would mean they have to take a bigger chunk of your pledges to cover their bills, which in turn would mean that we would be getting less, and each individual pledge would have less power to support and expand our company's gains and growth.

We really don't care what your politics are when you support us. We don't let our own personal politics get in the way of making a good product. But this is about our livelihoods. If Net Neutrality is stripped away by Trump and his cronies then it is very likely that their allies who want to see all pornography shuttered away and kept out of people's hands will be the ones next in the door, and that'll mean higher rates on folks who give avenues for groups such as us to make money unless they shut us out.

Give what you can to this gofundme campaign. If you can't give anything, then spread the word, paste the link to your tumblr pages, your facebook pages, your social groups, get the word out. These are the guys who organized the internet slow down and killed SOPA and PIPA when they could have been used for exactly the same purposes, they're the best suited to organize efforts against this idiocy. But they need money and attention. If you can't supply the money, then help spread the word about them and get them the attention they need.


Click here to support Let's Save Net Neutrality -- Again! organized by David Segal

INTRO: Our website BattleForTheNet.Com was the main hub of online activism efforts to get net neutrality rules instituted during 2014-2015 - and we would not have won without it. Net neutrality is under attack again and we need your support to protect it. This week new FCC Chair Ajit Pai (and f...



Good of you guys to help spread this. I've been supporting and spreading word of these guys since before SOPA and PIPA. It's a neverending battle, but our backs are pretty much up against a cliff at this point. Do or die time.

Ladies Man 7777

Umm who says Trump is against you? Hes open to many things n hearing many arguements. I hope you didnt just assume Trump is bad thus hes against you guys automatically.


We assume he's bad because the man he's appointed to the FCC is trying to take a weed wacker to Net Neutrality. If he was on our side he'd not have appointed that particular person. And that's as much as we are going to say on this subject.


Personally I don't think this is an important enough reason for bringing politics into a nice piece of escapist entertainment like Cloud Meadow. The internet was fine before NN, and it'll be fine no matter the outcome. If you feel this is a hot bed issue, you can signal this stuff on your personal blogs. And besides, there's more than enough people up in arms about this that running the risk of alienating patrons through divisive political issues just isn't worth it.


Net Neutrality actually dates back to the telegram system in the 1800's, which set up the ground rules upon which Net Neutrality (standing for Network Neutrality, not Internet Neutrality) was formed. IE: the fact that the communications services would not favor one group or person over another in terms of pricing, routing, speed, or priority. So no, the internet has actually never existed without at least an informal protection for the idea of net neutrality. If we lose folks over this, we lose folks. We can't help that, what we can help is protect our livelihoods in the way we think best.


Fuck yeah. I'm Canadian. Fucking hate and don't give a complete fuck about politics but this is a no brainer. You got my signature! Who the fuck wouldn't want you guys to get payed what you should and the fucking government getting more for no good reason out of your fucking pay.


... is there a change.org instead of a gofundme?...


There should be one out there. Look up net neutrality change.org stuff. But signateurs on those that are from people from the wrong nation are actually detrimental to the petitions. It's why a ton of petitions from change.org on Brexit got ignored, too many non-british signing them.


Oh ok. It's fun learning new things, haha.

william wofford

well i will get political too , since the GOP took power they have done everything they can to kill and legislation that happened on President Obama's watch , just cause it has his name on it , the large internet companies are pushing tons of lobbyist into Washington with fat wallets , They are buying their way to killing net neutrality for the sake of campaign funding , Votes have consequences ,GOP rolled back internet privacy rules so net companies can sell your info to 3rd parties , The only voice we have Against them is the vote its time to quit voting by party and start looking at the people that are running and what they really believe i don't agree 100% with either the democrat or republican parties right now ,but we do need to drain the swamp , NOT fill it with more gators and make it deeper . my 2cents


Similar problem as in the U.K. if Theresa May and her buddys get there way. There seems to be a new wave of censorship supporters all around the globe. We need to fight this everywhere.


Just threw in a donation. Here's to a free internet. ✊


MaidSafe for ultimate freedom!