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Judge Heath here,

Some of our patrons don't know what this vote is about and so I'm putting together this post.

The basic idea is that we wanted to avoid the pitfall of Breeding Season that involved it promising anything and everything, but extending the amount of necessary time to a ridiculous degree. For that reason we are putting things up to a vote, allowing our user base to make the decision on where they want us to focus our artistic efforts.

For that reason, these are the options up on the Focus Vote:

  • Let's start the gender swaps. (Makes a gender swap of all monsters already made, and insures all future monsters have them)
    NPC cycle (we start votes on which NPCs can be banged, including non companion NPCs)
  • Additional Sex Scenes (All monsters get an extra HD sex scene, all future monsters get 2 sex scenes to start)
  • Monster Variants (Each monster will get a obvious variant, this is effectively a new monster, all future monsters will too)
  • More monsters (Adds +5 monsters to the game, chosen from the global pool)
  • Palette Swaps (Adds color variations for monsters)

If you wish to take part in our vote, then upgrade your patronage with us to the $20.00 level for the month! Focus votes will have the largest impact on how the game develops!



Sorry, my inner grammar Nazi just put a gun to the inside of my skull... A pallet is a big wooden tray thing used to move stuff around using forklifts and stuff. Might make for a good minigame, but... I think you mean palette, the small wooden board thing used to hold and mix paint. 🎨 other than that, awesome effort so far!

Dream Tree

So with the Monster Variant, if it were to win only one variant would get an animation? Or would each monster get two? Like, would only Herdmaster get an HD anim, or would it be Herdmaster and the Matriarch?


the only thing i didn't understand is: is this a vote to choose what is gonna be introduced in the game and the rest is going t be removed or is it to choose what we're going to have before all the rest? (and sorry for my bad english)


The rest isn't going to be ditched. The main two, genderbends and varients, need the most time to implement so I think the vote is mainly to decide which one of those people want to be worked on first and then leave the other on the back burner for a possible DLC. A few of the options (mainly the NPC sex scenes) are a for sure, so I doupt they will be completely ditched, just pushed back a little for the one people want in first.