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Once again, enjoy a new batch of smut. Our laboratory worked hard to double the potency! Or maybe that's just the sunday boost. All the new scenes were drawn by Stan, as usual. Let me know if you have a favourite!


The benefits of full-time employment...
Ginnuk, a true champion of the people.
The story about the bee and the flower takes on a whole new meaning.
Good wives take care of each other.
The inevitable outcome of a temple visit...


Richard Weems

Love the pictures as always. Now all we need to see is the extra guards who are helping to train the incense using Erica...There are 9 hands visible in the 'calling extra guards' scene. Forgive my obsessive nature, and may your health be good henceforth.


You know how it is, in that state, Erica's senses aren't reliable, she must be confusing things happening at different times, as if they were there all at once. ;)


Yesss more pregnant seg scene. Always love to see Erica get knocked up, especially by rando. Girl needs to reproduce for her rare race after all :) And would be nice if she can go out having fun or group fun while waiting for giving birth.


There already are some of those scenes, no? I mean, if everything goes well, I'll add a few more, but were you thinking about something different?