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Of course, we couldn't possibly have the perfect release, so here is a hotfix to take care of some issues! Admittedly, a couple of those are actually old issues, that somehow I didn't see before (or maybe I fixed them before and forgot to save the changes). Whatever the case, at least now they are gone.



  • Fixed being stuck in a chair after the "self-hypnosis" scene at the inn in Solina;
  • Fixed stuttering in the Armazi mansion (second floor);
  • Fixed an issue in the Armazi mansion (guards patrol re-starting at the wrong coordinates after you are spotted);

Have fun! ^_^



i think you should lower the prices of the really expensive stuff slightly. maybe only 3k for the Summon Chambers, and 10k for the party instead of 20. I did every quest, religiously did my jobs every day and didnt spend any money at all on consumables or equipment. Yet i am now at the end of act 4, and it's still gonna take me about 20 days now to earn all the money to start the party, with an income of about 1.3k daily, cause building the pocket dimensions totally cleaned me out.


I am fine with reconsidering the prices. They were all a bit arbitrary, since I didn't have a lot of time to consider the economics of Caliross. Is the 1.3k the noble income + working jobs?


found another small bug, this time with the slime girl in the forrest. When you fight her and lose, her sprite steps forward into yours before the sex scene starts to play... and her position never resets. so if you keep fighting and losing, you can slowly walk her through the forest. Also her sprite has no collision.


I'll make sure the slime-girl is going to stay at home. XD As for the expenses in Caliross, I decided to just lower the pocket dimension prices for now (I don't want to upset the balance too much, since the game doesn't really have good money sinks in the later chapters). Now the rooms cost 4k to make, and getting a mirror to link Golden Leaf to the pocket dimension costs 8k, so it's a 7k reduction overall. I'll also think if I can add some other ways to earn money in non-repeatable ways (maybe hide some treasures in extra areas, and/or some mini-quests).