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In the end, we got pretty much only scenes, setup for scenes, or some teasing for this update. I didn't manage to think of a good idea for the bonuses I wanted at the academy after you "solve" the main lessons. I'll probably come back to this idea in a couple of months, since it's easy to program, but it's hard to come up with something balanced for the long-term.

Anyway, enough about that, here is the relase, as well as its changelog with the bugfixes:



  • 1 new scene (final) with Kira;
  • 1 new scene (final) with Carla;
  • 1 new scene (final) for the Kira-Carla-Erica threesome;
  • Wrote intro for the cheerleading content (unlocks after the "Truth or Dare" scene, Emilia should be in the hallway during the mornings afterward, so talk to her);
  • 1 new scene with Charles;
  • 1 new scene with Marjorie (sub path);
  • Added a little bonus content with Xena at the succubi brothel (more to come);


  • Fixed an issue when being searched at the Bazaar (the new images would remain on screen after the scene was over);
  • Fixed a similar issue when having sex with the Alpha on the werewolf path;
  • Fixed a similar issue on the ponygirl path (choosing to "resist" when going to sleep);
  • Fixed an issue with Kira not walking together with Erica properly during a cutscene;
  • Fixed the screen not fading to black during one of Kira's scenes;

Some of the bugs were old, actually, and I am glad the testers caught those. There were also more typos as always, although they don't give me the same existential dread as the bugs. XD

I mentioned this before, but next week I'll be on vacation (read, lazying around at home). If you find bugs or other problems, though, just let me know, and I'll fix those immediately, and release a hotfix if there are crashes or a lot of small issues (we should be good, but you never know).

Thanks for all the support! It's a pity 2023 has been a really lousy year so far, health-wise, but I hope things will fall into place, with Caliross heading toward its finale and TOTDC 2 being a fun new adventure (I'd like to think this is all "just around the corner").

As always, have fun, and let me know if you have any questions (I might take longer, but I'll try to respond to those as well). ^_^


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