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So, we got a release a bit late this month (if you have been reading my posts, you should know why, more or less). Now, I still would like to take a week off during summer, as I have been doing for a few years now. To accomodate for that, I'll try to reduce the number of days I work on TOTDC 2, and if needs be I'll try to work some extra hours in my spare time (since I am trying to prepare a version of that game for some early testing, I have to wrap it up soon).

So, what does this mean for Caliross? I'll just focus on writing scenes, for the most part, as well as working on small improvements (suggestions welcome). I'll finally look into completing Kira's path, Carla's path, and their threesome content, as well as something more for the academy: scenes, as well as adding some repetitive bonus for taking lessons past the current rewards, so that you have more ways to increase ypour stats. I haven't decided yet how I want to deal with the bonuses, exactly (after all, if you can repeat it forever, the bonus will need to take balance into consideration). Maybe you'll gain a temporary buff that lasts a few days, or maybe I'll put a limit to the maximum bonus (although that wouldn't be repeatable forever, then). Anyway, something for the classes should be added, to make a visit every now and then worthwhile, hopefully.

If I have time, I'll go for completing the werewolf content, otherwise I'll write some new event for the academy. The idea however is to keep working on things that can be added more easily to the game, so that there is enough content despite me taking a week off.

That's about it, nice and simple. If I get the test version of TOTDC 2 ready, I might be able to share more news about that one, assuming feedback from testers will be positive (otherwise, it might take more time to fix things, before I can share how things have been progressing on that front).

Anyway, that's all for now. As I mentioned above, suggestions welcome, so make sure to tell me if something is bothering you about Caliross, or if there is that one scene that really should be there (one-offs only, no sprawling epics involving 5 scenes), that I never wrote somehow. I'll be on the lookout if we need a hotfix (so far, there is a minor bug with the images not being removed when being searched by the guard in the Bazaar), so also let me know if there are bugs! Until next time! ^_^


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