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...But how you use the update that matters. Well, I think I managed to add a decent amount of content as well, though. Still, I hope things will never get this messy again, at least for a few years. Well, for all my bitching and moaning, it's not as if we skipped a month or anything, but I really hate it when my plans fly out of the window.

But enough of that, here is the update:



  • Added 3 more mini-game sessions to the enchantment lessons, and a new reward for completing them (Witchy Hat, +4 to magical attack, defense and MP);
  • Added confrontation with Marjorie if you fall for the bathroom trap too many times. Now you can be expelled again if you fall completely for all 3 of her traps;
  • Added new class with new mini-game (you gain +2 MAT for completing the 3 challenges);
  • 1 new scene for the exhibitionist girl (she is in the class for the new lessons, after you see her first scene AND partecipate in the "truth or dare" event);
  • Added way to turn the the tables on Marjorie (after seeing one of her traps, go talk to the old professor to get things started);
  • 1 new scene with Ginnuk;


  • Fixed collision issue in the orc village;
  • improved responsiveness of the "sewers key" puzzle;
  • Fixed bug with the schedule (picking no activity for the afternoon would clear the morning slot instead);

Hopefully we got all issues sorted before release, but of course let me know if there are any bugs. Have fun! ^_^


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