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 Sorry for the slight delay, playing around with combat mechanics took me on a detour which I wasn't expecting. Anyway, here is a link to the latest update:


And here is the changelog:

New temple is done (it has quite a lot of secrets and puzzles, hopefully you'll enjoy making your way through it!);

The new TF spell is done (it was mostly done a while ago, but I added some uses for it now, as well as ironed out a few issues with it);

I reworked the mouse TF and the new TF to use a slightly different method (you should be unable to cast spells when transformed, among other things). Do let me know if there are any problems with the new changes;

I have been toying around with new combat mechanics, you can unlock a summoning in the new temple (it's one of the secrets  ^_^), and I have added a new combat spell, introduced elemental interactions, etc. This might warrant a combat tutorial at some point, but I'd rather wait until the combat mechanics are definitive;

I have added a new NPC, which took the place of the mermaid in the first temple (the mermaid relocated in the new temple, instead). She has some interesting dialogues and a couple of sex scenes;

Did some preliminary work on the quest log entry for the next quest in the main storyline.

I also fixed the following bugs:

Fixed light change when exiting the tattoo parlor basement;

Fixed exit of the unfinished (now finished) temple map;

Fixed guard of the bazaar getting in the way after a hypno-pendant event got you there;

Fixed a problem with the farmhand disappearing on the cowgirl path, allowing you to go where you shouldn't (please, do let me know if this is fixed, I think I tried to take care of it multiple times already, and it always pops back up);

Changed the way the message you get when fainting in the first dungeon works, It could be wonky when it happened as a cowgirl.

There might be something else I am forgetting, but as always, it can be hard to track all the small changes.

I hope you'll enjoy the new content (including the new art!), and please, let me know if there are any bugs. I should prepare the poll soon, but I got swamped into dealing with this one, so forgive me, I'll try to hurry up with it. Have fun! ^_^


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