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So, I have been getting better. I still have a bothersome sensation in the nose, especially if I lean toward any direction with my head, but at least no bleeding nor significant pain so far. I might have to go see the doctor if the sensation continues, but at least I don't think I should be worried.

I managed to get some work done, and we have 2 more scenes for the orc village, and one scene for Eloise. I did some other miscellaneous tasks, but not much else, as I am still trying to take things slowly, as mentioned before.

This week, I'd like to work more on the academy: something for Marjorie most likely, and then we'll see. I assume I'll release an update on monday, if everything goes well.

Not much else to report for now, so I'll keep it short. Look forward to the update, thanks again for all the kind words, and I'll see you guys soon! ^_^



Sounds to me like your nose might be broken, you might wanna go check that out.


I mean, I am not aware of receiving any blows, and I don't think the pain was ever at the level of a broken nose. The doctor who checked my nose for the bleeding also didn't see any such injuries (or at least, I'd hope he would have told me, otherwise XD). The sensation is a nuisance, but I'd imagine it would feel much worse if there was something broken. I am unsure about the source of the problem, maybe it's normal for the nose to be sore after all these days with a tampon inside.


To put that in another perspective, recently my grandpa learned he broke his wrist... 3 weeks AFTER it happened. The only sign was a slight niggling pain, more like an annoying itch, really. It could be something similar. On the other hand, pollen season, so it could just be a severe pollen allergy hit. It can cause nose bleeds and can cause a... burningesque pain in the nose at times.


I'll make sure to nag my doctor if this keeps going. Hopefully it just passes on its own and I don't have to worry about any of this again, that would be a nice change of pace after all these days. XD


One can hope. If It's an allergy, it will die down once whatever you are allergic too goes away. As someone whose allergic to 2 different types of pollen I have pain sneezing and periodic nose bleeds going the entire summer, so that's why I thought to mention it. The fact that I got a small nose bleed just after writing my reply is what made me actually think that might also be what does it.


If you can't even remember being hit then it must have been a pretty hard one :)