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I should have posted this a few days ago, but I forgot. XD

Anyway, I wanted to ask you guys how you feel about me possibly increasing the amount of time I spend on TOTDC 2, now that we are getting closer to finishing Caliross. At the moment, I spend more or less a couple of days on TOTDC 2 every month (sometimes I do some extra work in my spare time, but that's about it). I'd like to push it to at least 1 or 2 weeks every month, but that of course would slow things down a bit for Caliross.

Since you guys are donating for Caliross, ultimately it wouldn't feel right to change things around without asking, so here we are. It's likely I won't change anything if not enough people respond, but preferably as many of you let me know what you think. Without further ado, here is the poll.



Wow, this is so even that it's almost a 3-way tie (as of writing this comment)


I guess people want Caliross, they also want TOTDC 2, and they want TOTDC 2 NOW! XD

Richard Weems

As is tradition in our culture: We want it our way tout suite


Caliross has been advancing well.


Clearly every month you should spend 3 weeks on Caliross, and 2 weeks on TOTDC 2.


I really want a 1.0 for Caliross but at the same time, when I go back and play TOTDC for 10 minutes... Decisions are hard.

Lucy Westenra

I really want Caliross 1.0 above all! And I'm excited to think that once that exists, you could work on TOTDC 2 full-time.

Richard Weems

I agree with Isef. However, it is always nice to see some projects improve by leaps and bounds. So put as much time as you desire into a project, Don't burn out on any particular one. But we must face facts with dealing with opinions. There are vastly too many conditionals in the English language (But, although, However, 'On the other hand', etc.) In short, follow your bliss, Sorry, the English school teacher in me reared its ugly head. Maybe its actually a pretty head.. Hmm...


I'll do my best to follow my bliss, as you said, thanks! I do have some annoying stuff I am dealing with right now, so I need to think positive (I'll write a post about it later, since it might affect the development in the short-term, even assuming everything gets solved).