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Damn, I am really forgetful lately. This should have been out the past weekend (together with the polls), but I was trying to make a push to finish some maps for the quest, and It slipped my mind completely. At least the art is great! Stan keeps delivering the goods, as we slowly cover most of the past scenes in the game.

Let me know if there are any scenes you are looking forward to getting some art for! 



Richard Weems

The new art looks great, However, I came across some older art pictures floating around in a zip file I had downloaded many...many...etc. moons ago. I can send it to you, via email. Please tell me what you wish me to do with it, mdqp? I will check in addition to my email.

Richard Weems

Wow, nevermind, mdqp, what I discovered was some fan art. Since I don't know the creator, please ignore the previous post


Oh? I don't know about much fanart for Caliross. I wish we knew the author, so I could maybe share it with everyone.