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Yesterday was a holiday, and I decided to postpone the usual weekly recap. Anyway, as I mentioned last time, I did some work on TOTDC 2, I wrote a new scene for the orc village, and I also released the hotfix. I didn't manage to work on the walkthrough, as I got a little side-tracked by some IRL stuff (sorry about that).

I'll probably try to squeeze some work on the walkthrough later on today, to make up for it. The plan is more or less the same. I think I'll write another scene for the orc village, and then move on to the new quest with the Outcasts.

I want to ramp things up quickly for the orc village, but I figured I'd still need a few steps for Erica to climb, before things reach their boiling point, so the first few scenes should be sexy, but not as slutty as the rest.

The art preview might be slightly delayed this month, as I think Stan is going to be a bit late (nothing that should affect the game's release, though).

I think this is pretty much it for now, I don't *think* I am forgetting anything, but I'll let you guys know otherwise. Until next time! ^_^



Ok, don't worry and go on at your own pace, you have the right to settle your personal things)) I'm sure you will progress well further. Good luck