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Having survived the food and the relatives, I am back! This week I wrote two new scenes for the "defy Marjorie" path. I might tweak their appearance a bit more for the actual release, but for now one happens during the enchantment lessons and the other if you go visit the library. They are "trait-themed" and I plan to have them as an alternative to gain the exhibitionist and bimbo trait respectively, if you get them too many times. I am unsure if I want to restrict their appearance further (for example, I spoke with one of you guys about a way to gain the bimbo trait if Erica's academic exploits are threatening some other student), but I think they fit rather well as a consequence for being at odds with the mean girls, and it should eventually gain a way to get the mean girls expelled, if players play their cards right.

Another thing I worked on is the orcs village (now officially orcs + goblins village). The maps should be finished and I started to write some basic dialogue as well (no scenes yet, though).

Finally, I spent some time organizing my collection of references, as well as finding some new ones. I need those when I explain the scenes to my artist, and I really needed to put some order in the folder, so that it's easier to consult and/or re-use in the future. I haven't finished yet, but it's much more reasonable now. It's boring work, but I had to tackle it, eventually.

There was some more miscellaneous stuff, but I think those were the big ones for the week. Coming up soon should be more work on the orc village, and the academy, and then I should send the test version to the testers this weekend, to gear up toward a release around the 22nd.

This is all for now, don't miss the next dev blog! ^_^


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