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The game has a handful of issues, which should be addressed ASAP, which means it's hotfix time!


I took care of the following issues:

  • Fixed issue with the "magical theory" mini-game (it was possible to reach negative mana points using "equalizer", breaking the puzzle);
  • Fixed an issue with the "enchantment" mini-game (in some edge-cases, it was possible to get an "auto-completion", skipping the puzzle);
  • Added the option to look at the array during the magical theory mini-game (so you can hide/unhide the choices whenever you want, and look clearly at the puzzle status);
  • Fixed crash with the schedule (sorry about this one >_<); 

As always, let me know if you find more bugs, (although I hope nothing comes up for a while XD).


Richard Weems

I am not certain if I should place this file name proposal here. Suggestion .99b....99c...etc. Then after switch to .9bz....9cz..etc. Changing from base 10 to base 26 enables shorter file names. Just a suggestion, one others have probably proposed, Regardless, have a wonderful day and many thanks for the Shapeshifter game


Here it's fine, don't worry. I was thinking of something simpler (going for 0.9.x from now on) because I already use letters for hotfixes and the like. Hopefully the second dot is enough to mark the difference.