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We are going to tackle romance! Romance in the workplace! Romance outside! Romance! Romance!

Err... Sorry, I got a little excited. Last week I did the usual do some work on TOTDC 2 (wrote a new scene, tested some effects, implemented some other elements), but now that we are back to Caliross, I'll spend the first week writing some scenes.

I already got a new one for the secretary job ( a follow up from one of the new scenes introduced in the last update), and I'd like to write at least 2 scenes for Tania (if you took part in the poll, you'll know she won that one). After this, I should really double-check if everything is finished in Jin's path, and if that's the case, I'll finally add the option for him to move between Tarkas and Golden Leaf.

I'd also like to add an option to free the slaves right away, but I wonder how I should handle it. It feels bad to reward "doing the right thing" by taking away Jin or Lea from the players, but at the same time, their entire arcs are built around their situation, and I don't want to write a different arc just to accomodate this (if people have an idea on how they would handle this, I am happy to hear it). I guess being good is its own reward. XD

I'll be looking into other quality of life stuff and/or small things which make sense (as always, suggestions welcome). I'll be adding the fast travel carts to Golden Leaf, for example (I might tie this appearance to fixing the town), and I want to go through the newspaper posts in the commercial district to see what should be added (once again, suggestions welcome! What do you want to see recognized in the newspaper)? Maybe also an option to buy the newspapers? I should add more items for the trophy room (have I begged enough for suggestions?), and I am sure there is more to do.

After that, I'd like to work on a new quest, and to see if I can add the option to explore the capital around the castle.

Next month, we should discuss how long it will take me to add the additional content for the 1.0 release (picking the top 3 results, as they seem much more popular than the rest), and we might also have a final poll, to see how/when to introduce TOTDC 2 in my schedule and phase out Caliross.

That does sound like a lot, although to be honest I plan to take a week off in December for the holidays, so don't expect a deluge of content in the short term! I am trying to avoid overworking myself, especially now that the game is getting more content (I can't exactly crunch for a release when it's that far away).

Anyway, that's a long post, and I think I covered everything. As always, let me know if you have questions, otherwise I'll see you soon during our regular schedule! ^_^



Maybe Jin or Lea could be offered a chance at freedom, but ultimately reject it if the player has advanced too deeply into their path or Erika is too dominant over them. Both have motivation to stick around. Jin became a slave to escape those pursuing him. Freedom means that he's vulnerable to them again and Dominant Erika shows him that his strategy is flawed, the next Mistress or Master could be harsher than Erika. For Lea, she's effectively on her own without any support and she loses a kind soul in Erika. Even if she's free, she'd probably rather be a paid maid and stick around than outright leave.


So Ive only actually ever done Jins path, but I figure if you free him he can show up later to free you from the ponygirl path or help you in the noble party; basically he could show up in a situation where he leverages his charm over women to help you out.

Benjen Tenorsaxophony

Or maybe freeing them could lead to a "Bad End." Maybe Lea goes all yandere and Jin reverses your previous dominance over him to enslave you.


Currently a soft lock in One More Song I am unable to push the prop boulder, clicking yes freezes the text and pressing the cancel button, then clicking no to Leaving the Rock alone also freezes it.


Do you see the bar appear in the bottom left corner? That means you should mash "enter" (or any other confirm key), to fill the bar. It's a quick-time event, basically. I'll make it more obvious through the text (and I'll update the walkthrough, because I am not sure if I mention this).


I wouldn't mind this mechanically, but it's tough to imagine an actual situation where this would come into play, story-wise (for example, you aren't supposed to escape during the ponygirl path, and it's hard to imagine how to introduce him in the party and have a positive role without simply adding a problem for him to fix just for the sake of it).


I feel like that's way too extreme. I am thinking something some slight bonus of some sort for the players, or at least a positive outcome overall.


Yeah, they have motivations to stick around, that's how I wrote them. Perhaps I should just add the choice to free them at the market, with both refusing. This might work especially well for Lea's character arc, if I give her a good motivation to refuse, since at the end of her path she agrees to be freed (if you choose so). It's perhaps a bit lazy, but it makes sense without requiring much work.


I did not mash it! Yeah i couldnt tell it was a spam it quick time event there was no bar, just the text box and a yes or no. there was no mention of it. The wiki and the game mentions pushing it by hand but not spamming it.


Since the same bar is used in other events in the game, I always feel slightly awkward bringing it up again, but I'll correct this in the next update. :)


I'm definitely looking forward to the first teaser or alpha test for TOTDC 2, though I expect that won't be until early next year. I really enjoy Caliross, but I'll admit it was TOTDC that originally made me a fan of yours.


Yeah, it should be coming next year. It's weird going back to a game (it's my first time making a sequel, after all), so I hope I can recapture the characters properly (I think I am doing a good job, but until I get some feedback I won't know for sure).


Finally I think I fixed my problem. I have been trying to do my pation payment to you for 4 months but it wouldn't go through so I couldn't play the game for so long but I think it's fixed so I hope I can download the past updates now.


Oh, wow! Had you tried contacting Patreon? Glad that it seems resolved now, at least. You wouldn't be allowed to see the posts if you have a failed payment?


That's the strange part, I could see all the posts on the patreon mobile app but had no access to the download links