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So, here is a list of possible content, mainly based on elements I already brought up in the previous poll for the future of Caliross. Since this is already pretty long, I'll leave it as is. Vote only for the stuff you think should be in the 1.0 release.

We might also have another poll later with new choices (after removing completed things from the list), perhaps with an option to say "now we have enough content" to keep updated on how many people think we have a solid base.

Again, this won't have an end date, to encourage as many people as possible to vote. If you have suggestions of any kind, do let me know. If someone has a better idea for how to gather this feedback I am all ears, and if I am forgetting something big we can always re-do the poll or anticipate the next one to improve on this. I'd like to treat this as a list of strong suggestions, to give me some leeway in case I get tired of Caliross, and to juggle the new content to better fit my schedule, rather than the other way around.

With all that said, please vote!



What options give us more sexy mind control stuff?

Graeme Cracker

I'd imagine trying to do Outcast quests would be significantly harder with Marintas' charm...


I feel like the ones with more sexy potential usually rise to the top on their own... XD

Graeme Cracker

Could we run into real mermaids if we get the ship working? Something like the Dryad quest and it's soft 'bad' ending?


Something like that could either fit the ship or new content for Solina. We can meet a real mermaid during a quest now, but I can see wanting something more.


More Zanti Family


i remember asking about this back in feb but i dont think anything came of it so i figured why not try again. How about an expansion of the imperial offices content?


I see from the name you are truly committed to this... XD I can't imagine another quest directly from them, but perhaps we could get another quest where multiple factions overlap.


Crap. I should have added this to the poll. I'll keep it in mind for next time. I might just add a scene or two in the meantime, however, as I have been thinking about it for a while.


It's an interesting struggle: Making good on long-intended content branches like the academy or the outcasts, vs time / opportunity cost considerations, and the relative tidiness of the game's story and pacing.