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So, the quest is finished, and I finished writing the short story as well. The quest seems to have come out interesting as I hoped, although I am fine tuning the last fight, now that I got some feedback for it. I need to write more regularly for the short stories, but with the TOTDC stuff and generally being a bit tired lately, it's been hard to find the time (thankfully I managed to wrap it up).

I ended up spending some time finding and recording missing CGs in the game thanks to a player/tester, who recently played through the game and was very helpful in that regard (there are still quite a few missing, but I found references for my artist for many, and I have a more solid list now). It can be a chore at times, but now I have a better idea of how to allocate the commissions.

I did start writing a new scene for Jin, but I haven't finished yet. Since the release should go live either tomorrow or the day after, I'll probably manage to finish it, perhaps even add another scene.

Anyway, that's all for today. I am a bit annoyed that we are so close to the end of the month, but it is what it is. Look forward to the update! ^_^


If you knew about and were waiting for the TOTDC 1 update, it's coming soon. The person helping me with the browser version got in contact with me recently, so hopefully it won't be long before he can find some time in his schedule to look at the remaining issues. I figured I'd wait for the browser version, since I don't know how many people still have a working copy of RAGS installed on their PCs.



Ok, don't worry that the TOTDC stuff didn't give you enough time to write the story, I'm sure you'll catch up