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Last week I have split my time between resting, bugfixing (plus some tiny changes/updates to the debug room) and TOTDC 2 work (as well as some time for the short story writing). In the next weeks, I should tackle the following content:

  • Next part of the quest. Depending on how well things go, this might complete the quest, we'll see.
  • Werewolf path. I'd like to finish this one at well, which means 2 trials and then I should consider if I want a quest for this path or not.
  • Content for Jin. I need a couple of scenes for the Erica "domme" path, perhaps one last scene for the sub path, and giving him the same treatment as Lea, and allow him to move between Tarkas and Golden Leaf.

This should be the "core" of what I'll do, and as usual I'll try to squeeze in something extra, if I can. I think the werewolf content should be fairly interesting, and I wonder if I should have some "endgame" stuff, perhaps some activities you can take part in as part of the pack (I could even have some of those available if you aren't the alpha, but different in some ways).

Jin is more of an enigma for me, so I'll go with the flow (his personality is well established anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem).

Anyway, that's about it for now. Look forward to next week to see how far I got. See you guys later! ^_^



You know we always love to see something squeezed in extra.


Yes, I think you should not have any problems with Jin's personality) I wish you good progress!