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The quest is finally finished, together with its sexy scene at the end, and the two paths. I started working on the new part of the other quest, but I am still behind, so I'll have to hurry up if I want to get it ready for this weekend and to release the following week. I took today off, since it's a holiday here in Italy (I wonder if that's the same or not around the world), and I am REALLY hating the heat (I wouldn't be surprised if I turned into a living puddle by the end of the month), it's kind of wearing on my nerves.

Regardless, I can't really take my usual week off this month, since I lost time when I was sick in the previous months. I might still take a couple of days, and if that's the case, I'll postpone the release (it's still going to happen next week, though).

Once the quest-related work is finished, I should write a couple of scenes, and that should be it for this update.

Looking forward to cooler weather, I should play some winter-themed games in the meantime, perhaps. You instead are stuck playing my hot, hot game! XD See you next week for the update! ^_^



Grazie amico mio - you know the first work ever written in Italian was Dante's Inferno.. very telling! I look forward to new co(w)tent


Assumption, right? Same in France. (Or maybe something else? August 15th seems to be a holiday for tons of countries, but not always for the same celebration)


Whelp, it was a completely normal day in Germany :/ no free time here


Oh yeah, try playing winter-themed games, maybe it will refresh you a little now and don't forget to stay out of the sun, drink plenty of water and don't overwork!


<p style="color: #008600;">Well, I'm glad you have a day off today, although in other countries I think it's a normal working day. However, I hope you're not feeling too bad because of the heat.</p>


Well, we had latin before, but he helped massively in establishing the new language (which ended up being based on his regional dialect, as a result). He's widely considered the "Italian language's father".


Yeah, in Italy is for a more "mundane" source: a roman emperor added the rest day on the calendar, although the date was moved by the Church for the assumption, so it's a bit of both (this last part is courtesy of wikipedia, so I can't say how reliable it is).


I was convinced the desire for rest had been completely erased in germans, I stand corrected (although you were actually looking for free time instead of rest, so maybe that's still true :^).


It varies from country to country, but yeah, it seems like it's not too common. I'll just hug the AC and get past this, I hope. XD

Crevan Prowler

The heat is killer! Do what you can to stay cool. I'm trying not to melt myself.


Indeed. It's either staying cool or evolving into a new life form: the slime developer. XD