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This week I ended up working on many small things, as I eagerly wait for feedback on chapter 6. For Caliross, I introduced a series of additions to your mansion in Golden Leaf. Now you can move to the pocket dimension from there (if you buy a new mirror from the pocket dimension book) and as a result you can now move between the two houses through the pocket dimension (this will need some testing, because I am worried about the trigger for certain events, but I believe it *should* be fine). You can also see the scenes for the latex outfit and the babydoll from the wardrobe in the mansion and if you expanded the second floor, you can use the study there to progress to a new chapter.

I should add the possibility to move Jin and Lea to the mansion soon, although these will require a little more work (because of how some of the events trigger, and because of certain cutscenes). I am also slightly troubled by the fact that right now they'd have to take the only guest room. It's not a big problem, but it seems a bit silly, and I don't have the space to add another room.

In other news, I also improved a couple of maps in Tarkas  (the city gates and the exterior to the Queen of Hearts). As always,  keep an eye out for issues (in this case, there a couple of known  "resets", the drunkards outside the pub and secret passage behind the  abandoned shop will go back to their original state, but these aren't  going to break anything, so I figure it's fine). I also added the  possibility to decide what to do about Erica's book, and talking about  it with your dad (I also added a questlog entry for this whole thing).  Because of the way the questlog works, if you already started chapter 5  you'll have to talk to your dad about the book or to Alec's master, to  get the questlog entry.

For TOTDC 2, I think I am finally satisfied with all the major UI designs. I simplified a few things from my plans, I cobbled together a few assets (I even created some basic elements myself), and then I ironed out any issues I could find. I also improved a few things in elements I had previously deemed fine, tested a few visual effects, re-arranged a few elements and so on. There are still some placeholders, and things I am not sure how I should tackle: in maps, the simplest way is to have text as buttons, but that looks basic, and using downsized images from the areas (while still using text for the names) makes me wonder if it's worth the effort, and also if the buttons don't become just too big. Anyway, on the whole, I think it's test-worthy, so now I just have to make sure there is enough content for testers to get a good idea of what the game is going to be like, so I can send it to them for feedback.

Speaking of TOTDC, I'll need to update TOTDC 1 in order to add the ability to copy/paste the variables from the first to the second game. I was also planning to add some minor content to it, to celebrate the sequel's arrival and possibly have a little extra for any returning players, but would you guys be interested in such a thing? Maybe I can just do the basic update and focus on TOTDC 2, instead.

Let me know what you think. In any case, This week I might use another day for TOTDC 2 at most, but I'll mostly focus on more improvements and writing for the ending in Caliross. We'll also get the usual art preview and polls, so stay tuned for those.  This all for now! Until next time! ^_^



Happy May-ternity 😘


About the TOTDC 1 variables, I think Dragon Age 3's approach is pretty good. It does allow player to just import old saves from the previous games, but It also set up a website to let return player just choice what happened in the past 2 games and let you generate a save file. This will be massive help for player who doesn't have a lot of time to replay the old games, and it also serve as a summary for returning players. To be frank, it has been.....7 years? I don't really remember much other than the main plot, a summary of what happened will really really help.


How was the website set up? Was it just a series of questions? I do plan to have the option to set these things in-game if you don't import the data, but I am still thinking about what's the best approach (having all questions available as a list, or bringing the questions up as they become relevant (for example, deciding the fate of Verania when you first visit the place). I need to write a recap as well, although it's not on my immediate "to-do" list. I wonder if I should have some art to go along with it, and set it up as a comicbook.


Baiscally, it is just a website with a all the choices of the previous games listed. Return player can just pick what choices they picked in their game. I think a video will explain that way better than I can. You can check it out at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8464jdMnjE&ab_channel=xLetalis


My suggestion will be to do a list of events, then let player pick one of all choices. You can add a spoiler section for player who wants a refresher of what the event is about.


I do like the idea of a little extra content in TOTDC 1, and you could republish it with the new stuff in all the usual places to generate some more publicity. I wouldn't let it distract you from Caliross or TOTDC 2, though.


I mean, if you are picking the choices, are those really spoilers? XD Feels like the context would be important. I was thinking about having an explanation for each choice appear at the bottom of the screen if you hover the option with the mouse. For the presentation, do you think having a timeline or a "tapestry" like shown in that video would be important? Like, it's a list of text choices enough or should I have art to go with each event?


The update for transferring the data isn't too complicated, and I already added it in TOTDC 1 and 2. Basically, you need to copy a list of variables from TOTDC 1 (which the game puts out as text in its dialogue window) to a .txt file in TOTDC 2, and the game will handle the rest. Sadly, I don't think I can make RAGS spit out a .txt file, or it would be even simpler. The only reason I didn't release the update for TOTDC 1 already, is the desire to add some scenes, although I am starting to wonder how much of a difference it would make for players, hence my question.


The idea would be to keep it simple, that's for sure. It's still going to take some effort, which is why I was curious what you guys thought about it.


I don't consider the choice itself is a spoiler. Like you said context is important. So for me, I would like to have the option to look at the context, but not always. As for presentation, whatever is easier for you. XD Personally, I don't think the tapestry add much. The tool is useful for generating a save file for people who doesn't have the time to replay a game. It doesn't need to look good.


Honestly, I think the bonus scenes would be wasted. TOTDC is such a deep, long game that a tiny bit of extra content is going to be dwarfed by the whole. Though... lol. I just had the dumbest idea. You could have the VR machine have an app that lets you create the "cartoon version" of yourself, and just have the assets from TOTDC 2. A sorta wink between the two. Then again, that's a certain amount of effort for, essentially, nothing. Regarding variables: I love the concept of doing that, and hadn't even considered that might be something that would happen. Dragon Age and Witcher 3 have done different versions of that worked quite well, though the latter made me go "WHAT THE HECK?! HOW WAS THAT IN THE SAME GAME I PLAYED?!" Personally, I'd lean towards creating some sort of recap, where it has "what you did" from the import, and the option to change it during the recap page. Either that, or just create two or three 'canon' endings and be done with it.


I would prefer just a recap with choices, since I don't have my saves for TOTDC1, plus I played it through multiple different times looking for different events(I think I found every bad end, heh), and don't really want to replay it again just to find a few bonus events.


<p style="color: #008600;">Hey, this all sounds great so far! I really like some additions to Caliross that you are going to make.</p>


Yeah, I wonder if the bonus content would be worth the effort, which is why I was asking. It doesn't seem like many would care a lot, so while it would a nice addition, maybe I shouldn't bother. The game was always planned to have a sequel, and have consequences based on the choices you made in the first game (at the end, it exported variables for a potential RAGS sequel, in fact). You could say the main impetus behind writing TOTDC was in fact to make choices really matter, as I was disappointed with how little things changed in Mass Effect 2, despite the variety of situations you could inherit from ME 1 (let's not talk about my feelings about the third game, as I STILL can't get over how badly it was written, according to my standards). I do have a standard starting point for those variables as well, so it's possible to pick up and play the game without worrying about all this, but I want a "pick your own starting point" system. I guess the best way is to give an option for each event I want to import, with the option to get a recap for them if you want.


I started to think that not wanting to replay the game just for some small bonuses might be relatively common, which is why I decided to ask you guys. Most people seem okay with the idea, but not enthusiastic, so I might just focus on other aspects. As for the choices and recap we should get both in one form or the other, although I wonder if there is a format that is clearly superior to use in those situations.


Okay, then I'll go with the tooltip at the bottom of the page when you hover the choices, I think that should be easy to ignore if you don't want spoilers, and should still provide context for those that want it. For the recap, I think I should provide a recap of the story in general terms (without too many spoilers, for newcomers as well) and maybe a more detailed one based on the choices? Well, maybe the tooltips are enough, and I don't need this second one.


Yup yup, I agree. General terms cap+ tooltips will be enough. If you really want to go super fancy with it, you can try to incorporate those choices in the storyline like in Witcher (https://youtu.be/gxjAT2NGMCA). As for recap, Mass Effect 2 did a good job that lets player roleplay a bit during the recap (https://youtu.be/7EAjeQNrfOE?t=438).