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First, an important announcement: the window for suggesting a scene for patrons who donate 25$ or more will be closed in 2 months, to avoid having more unplanned content added now that we are close to wrapping things up. I'll edit the tier description to add the date after which suggestions will no longer be accepted, and I'll remind you guys in the weekly posts about the game, so that most people should be warned in time. Now, back to the dev diary. 

I almost wrapped things up for the gameplay in chapter 6. Another 1 or 2 days, and I should have a version for my testers, so I can get some feedback, finally. For "regular" content, I wrote the scene featuring the latex dress, as the winner from the last poll. As I mentioned back then, this ended up being another scene for the "weird pendant".

The chapter 6 puzzles have taken a bit longer than I expected, because of the UI (I had to find and edit various elements here and there, and I wasn't 100% sure on what would be the best way to present things at times). The two paths are different enough and interesting, in my opinion, but a test version can't come out soon enough, since I really want to hear the perspective of someone who isn't me. XD

I am still missing one puzzle, and some basic testing and writing, but one of the paths is pretty much complete at this point, and the other isn't far behind.

I am behind writing for the short story, as I kept agonizing over the puzzles, but I am sure this week I should be able to find a few hours and wrapping the update for that one as well.

As for this week, it will depend a lot on when I wrap things up for chapter 6, and the kind of feedback I get for it, so I can't make big plans. If I have free time, it will probably be dedicated to writing new scenes and working on the game's epilogue (I still need to write the ending proper, to tell players what happened due to their choices/actions around Caliross).

Anyway, this is all for now. If you have questions, don't hesitate to poke me. Peace! ^_^




You must have completed the party at your mansion ("Party Hard" quest) and then talk to Keiko to get the prompt (talk to her again for the option to start the "judgement" XD).


Hey MDQP, do you have any plans on having the zanti family follow up on enslaving Lea?


It's one of those things that *should* make it into the game, eventually. I am not sure how I'll go about it yet, however.