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So, last week I dedicated a couple of days to TOTDC 2 and the rest went into working on chapter 6. Specifically, I started writing the final sequence, since I have a decent idea on how it should play out (there is still more content needed, but I wanted to tackle this now that I have a good grasp on what I want to show). I wrote some dialogues, designed the final fight, and started testing out a few things for the final cutscene before the ending. The final fight is going to be its own thing, completely isolated from regular combat. Some people might dislike this, but I wanted something unique, which fits with the lore, and ties up a couple of details I disseminated earlier in the game, so hopefully I will be forgiven. XD

I am considering giving the encounter a slight puzzle-y feeling, and I have been trying out various skills for both the enemy and you, to see what could work for that. I still need to work out some details, though. Hopefully it works out, but there is already a framework, so this is just to make it more interesting when the fight lands.

As for the final cutscene, I think I found the look I was going for, but I am missing something for the background, which is annoying. Well, worse case scenario I'll just commission it from Stan, but it would be kind of a waste, I think (I need a sea of clouds from a top-down perspective).

For next week, it's more chapter 6 work (finishing and polishing some of the stuff above), then I'll either write more scenes or add more content for chapter 6, depending on where my inspiration is leaning.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise I'll see you guys next time! ^_^



So with the different paths you can take in the game does this get reflected in the ending after the final boss like an epilogue or after story, or is the plan to have the route end exclusively outside of the main story?


I am thinking about having one or two routes where you can't go to chapter 6 if you don't "break free" (Eliza and the Cowgirl, basically, because I think it's weird to be mind-controlled and going through the portal). For the rest, we'll get a series of slides (Fallout style) to detail the outcomes of our choices, and what happens to the heroine. For the love interests, I am not sure if I should let players pick one, or if I should leave it open like I do during the game, and just have a slide for each one you were seeing. The rest should be straightforward, like "here is what happened to Golden Leaf" or "You became the Empress and did this and that".


So does your plans make saves in chapter 6 redundant or is it exclusively before you head through the magic portal?


If you are on the Eliza/Cowgirl route, you'll get a scene when you try to use the portal, with your programming trying to keep you from going through, and players can decide to fight against it, or step back. Basically, you can't start chapter 6 unless you commit and break the mind control to save your uncle. At least, that's how I imagine it at the moment.


That's a pretty interesting way to go about it, and are the rest of the scenes/routes like model job and whatnot going to be side stuff after you reach 1.0 and concentrate on TOTDC 2 or are you planning on keeping focus on Caliross until they're complete?


Once I cross off the list of things I 100% want in the game, and 1.0 is released, I'll probably ask you guys what you prefer. We could go for alternating months between the two games, or some rare updates for Caliross here and there at my discretion, assuming there is interest for more Caliross, that is.


I don't doubt there's probably still going to be more interest for Caliross and all that, though initially of course full speed ahead on TOTDC is the way to go.