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...So you can get judged by Erica! Finally, this month's update is here, and you can bask in all its glory (or have a stroke playing through it, if you know anything about law :^).

I hope people will appreciate the less usual setting and the content, even if the faction stuff will inevitably need more than a playthrough if you are interested in seeing it all. Anyway, here it is:


Here is the changelog:

  • New content for nobles (Judge work in Golden Leaf);
  • 3 new scenes during the court hearings, 1 with Eliza, 1 with Marika (the Zanti maid, if you are a cowgirl) and one with Skylar (one of the people you'll have to judge);
  • 2 new pregnancies with the slimes or slimegirl in the forest (also added a couple of respawning slimes on the mountain near Golden Leaf), and with the drunken sailor at the inn in Tarkas;

The new noble content becomes available only after you have thrown a party at your mansion for the other nobles. As for the bugfixes:

  • Fixed issue with being unable to show Valentine the ritual spell if you had the ritual gem equipped;
  • Fixed a black screen after taking a bath prepared by Jin or Lea;
  • Fixed a visual glitch when jumping between towers as Samantha in Fort Andor;

I think this is it for the release, but do let me know if I am forgetting anything, and don't forget to report bugs! ^_^

As mentioned, I'll probably work on chapter 6 for the rest of the week (maybe some TOTDC 2 work as well, in my spare time), so I'll lay out the plans for next month on monday. Until then (or until the inevitable hotfix)!



I'm not getting the new drunk sailor event.


Do you have the pregnancies active? I added the possibility of getting pregnant and to "settle down" with him if you want to when you discover the pregnancy.


To activate pregnancies, you must first go to Santhora's temple in Tarkas. There should be a shining spot in on of the front pews. You can pray there (AKA, change the pregnancy settings), and decide whether you want or not monster pregnancies, if you want to get pregnant all the time or if you want to leave it to chance. Then, when you get pregnant, you should get a message the day after, prompting you to visit a doctor (the message should also have a sound effect and should be un-skippable, to make it easier to notice). If you don't visit the doctor in 3 days, the pregnancy "disappears" (just in case a player really wants to avoid it).