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So, our bimbo-themed quest is finished now. It has 1 sexy scene everyone can see (which doesn't involve our intrepid protagonist), and a couple of "bimbo-only" scenes which you can experience if you have the trait and are willing to go with the flow, so to speak.

The other quest (for the mage guild this time) also got some progress, and I should wrap it up this week, hopefully. I am debating whether or not it should have a more active role from the protagonist (almost all the quests for the mage guild involve someone else there asking for our help, often for some bothersome task). I'll probably write some harem scenes this week as well.

That should be everything for the short term. Let me know if I am forgetting anything or if you have any thoughts to share, otherwise I'll see you guys next week! ^_^



Ahh, the punnnnnsss. Hehehe, thanks for always keeping us in the loop!


Coming up with these puns is starting to take significant development time by now, but I can't stop! XD