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So, here is our monthly artwork showcase! Stan did once again a good job, and there are all sorts of positions this time around (I really like the ones with Dominique and Beatrix).

I hope you guys like these as well. Make sure to bring up any scenes which are still missing appropriate art for them, in case I forgot something, and look forward to the next update. ^_^




Yeah more Yuri!


I got a new pc and don't remember what's required to get your game to work. I downloaded patch .986, I know I need another program, can you direct me to what version of other program I need is?


You need to install the RTP. It's also linked in the main page (although you need to click "continue reading" because Patreon is silly and won't show the full page), but here is the link, just in case. :) https://s3.amazonaws.com/degica-downloads/RPGVXAce_RTP.zip