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I feel like this might be the only pun around futas that wasn't overused or part of a game's title yet (but I might be wrong, I didn't check). Anyway, this was the week of the Naris. After re-opening Highrock for good, I added two new Naris in there (they won't move in until after you finish the quest related to Highrock). After an initial cutscene, you'll be able to have some fun with them (1 scene so far).

Eliza got 2 scenes for herself too. At this point, I think I just need to write the epilogue for her "bad end", with you and Keiko getting pregnant, and her celebrating as well as laying down the plans for your future. With that, the main content of her path will be finished.

Other than that, I worked a little on the walkthrough (I had to fix a quest entry to be more detailed), added a way to reset the ghost possession through the "wish dragon", and did some minor bugfixing (I think the gallery didn't get updated with the last release, meaning you didn't unlock the latest art even if you saw them in-game) and some background stuff.

Expect the usual art preview and polls in the coming days, so stay tuned if those interest you. Otherwise, I'll see you guys next week! ^_^



Nari and Eliza 😍


Heheh, like Eliza's ending is the "Bad end", she doesn't even fully bimbofy Erica!


Well, it did get the quotes around it for a reason. Seeing how popular it is, maybe that's going to be the canonic ending, instead. XD XD DX