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Here we are again with another update. It took me some time to wrap things up for the werewolf event (since I wanted to edit it after receiving the testers' feedback). It's nothing major (and I still need to implement one more suggestion), but I hope the new content is enjoyable. With that said, here is a link to the new version:


The changelog is as follows:

  • Introducing the succubus brothel, with 2 new scenes;
  • 1 new scene for the vampire doctor;
  • new challenge in the werewolf path + miscellaneous writing + 1 new scene;
  • 2 new scenes for Ginnuk;
  • 1 new scene with Dominique;

I also fixed a few bugs:

  • Fixed Carla's exhibitionist scene unlocking slightly earlier than intended;
  • Fixed visual cues for the musical puzzles staying on screen after solving the puzzle in Fort Andor;
  • Fixed Dominique's latest scene not triggering properly;

I also addressed a long-standing issue when casting spells (you could see the sprite of the protagonist above certain elements when it should be below, or the sprite wouldn't tint properly together with the rest of the map), as I mentioned in a previous post. Make sure to report to me if there are any issues, as the solution was rather convoluted, and more testing "on the field" could be necessary to find issues with that.

Anyway, that's all for today. I am unsure whether or not I'll skip the dev blog tomorrow, since it's so close to the release, otherwise things should be "business as usual". Thank you very much for your support, I hope you'll enjoy the update! ^_^



I can't wait to get home and play.


Can't extract from this file? edit: renamed the downloaded file then I could extract