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So, I had decided to take yesterday off, and relax a bit, but I must have relaxed more than I expected, since I completely forgot to write the weekly dev blog! XD

Anyway, since the release, not much has happened (I did get a couple of bug reports I am currently investigating, but these are for older content).

Once I take care of these, it's back to writing more scenes and working on chapter 6. I think we'll get something for the werewolves first, and perhaps I'll write a repeatable scene for Kira, to wrap up her content.

I also need to update the H-scenes list, and add more scenes to the replay room. After that, I haven't decided yet, but as always, we can probably expect something for the Harem path.

That should be all for now, hopefully you are having fun with the update. ^_^



Get plenty of rest, as rest helps to increase your creativity and energy. And I think you can do a great job creating all the scenes you planned.