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This week I did a bit of everything. We got some updates to the H-scenes list and the walkthrough, I started working on the replay room (this will be the test to figure out if it's just going to take too much time and I should drop the idea, or if I can get it done), I wrote a new scene (the guy at the beach can finally get lucky with Erica, instead of just being teased), I worked on some puzzles for the new summon (the one you are supposed to gain access to after the mage guild main quest is complete), and a few minor things here and there.

Coming up next are going to be more work on the new summon (hopefully I can complete the mini-area challenges and finish the summon "design" soon), and work on the harem and Kairos path.

I finally changed how I write scenes, and I think it will help speed things up a bit. I used to just write straight in the RPG maker editor, and I wasn't too keen on writing them in a text editor first, because it wastes extra time copy-pasting and editing afterward. At this point of development, though, it's probably easier to write freely and then adapt to the engine limitation, rather than putting more friction on the act of writing. The RPG Maker text editor is honestly a pain, and with so many scenes already in the game, it's harder to come up with new things to write, so I should probably make that part as easy as possible.

I think this weekend I'll post the usual polls and the art preview, so you can look forward to those, but for now there isn't much else to report. See you guys soon! ^_^


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