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Surprisingly, I made decent progress, despite the holiday. I got some mapping done, and I worked on the new quest. This time around, Gaspar will be our unwilling companion in a little adventure in Tarkas. I'll finally get to use the warehouse map which has been sitting around for ages in the commercial district.

I know what I want to do with the first few puzzles, and I have a good grasp on the first half of the quest (writing and mechanics), but I am a little unsure on how I want to wrap it up. Well, I am sure I'll get the right idea as I work on the rest of the quest. I also fixed a bad tileset, although admittedly this was only noticeable in a handful of maps.

Despite the progress, I'll probably push back the release a tiny bit, to make up for the days I took off recently.

I also worked on a few things for TOTDC 2 (expect a few more tidbits of art soon, by the way), and this week we'll get the usual poll and art preview as well.

I believe this is all for last week. As always, let me know if you have any questions. Until next time! ^_^


Graeme Cracker

Ooh, is this the quest you say I inspired? If so, cant wait to try it out!


Yup, that would be the one. I hope everyone will like it. It's not particularly deep, but it should be fun and set things up for some extra stuff down the line.