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This quest is really taking longer than I thought. Finally the first path is finished, I just need to tweak the outro a bit, and decide on the reward. My brain fried trying to write the dialogue branches, and hopefully I did a good job with the possible choices. The second branch will be a more "regular" puzzle experience, something I'll throw in there for those who take the path of least resistance (since both choices are kind of valid, it seemed appropriate to put at least a minor obstacle and some gameplay between you and the reward).

I worked yesterday as well, trying to get the version ready for testers, but since I just couldn't wrap it up, I'll just delay the release to the first half of next week (probably monday-tuesday). This way, testers will have more time to check things out (I'll probably send them a test version a bit before the weekend). The update isn't particularly late anyway, so there is no big hurry.

Other then the quest, I wrote a new scene for Lea (for the "freedom" path), I fixed some bugs and worked on a few more background things (future saves will show the protagonist's name in the corner, so don't be surprised when you see it). I also wrote a bit more for the short story (it's almost ready for the release as well, I hope the guys who are following it will like the scenes).

I actually did a little work on TOTDC 2, but it wasn't super exciting, mostly more UI and UX work, as well as improving systems like the extranet and the quest log (the quest log in particular is very rudimentary in the way it works in the background, although it shouldn't be a problem for players). I did come up with a few gameplay concepts I think will be fun, so hopefully I'll get more art, round up the content and finally be able to show it to more people before the heat death of the universe.

This should be all for the week. Coming up next are a few more sex scenes, finishing the quest, and sending it to the testers. If I can think of something to put in that I can wrap up quickly, I'll probably do that as well. Look forward to the update next week, and stay tuned for any and all news about Caliross. ^_^


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