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So, I finished the new content for the harem (I added some more details, and adjusted how the scenes flow together). I think now it works pretty well.

I also added 2 scenes to the ponygirl path. Then I did some bugfixing, worked a bit on the walkthrough and the H-scenes list, I worked a bit on the new content for the short story, and I worked on the second quest I mentioned. It annoys me, but this one keeps getting pushed back, which means I work less on it, which means it becomes harder to complete it for one of the updates. Oh well, it will get there, eventually.

I also expanded and reworked the scene with the sailor (the one you can get if you work at the inn after you got far enough with him), to go along with the artwork.

I *think* this is everything for the week. I am trying to iron out a thing or two, and then I'll send the game to the testers. Next week we are having the release. Since I was a bit late with preparing the test version, I can't say for sure when I'll be able to update precisely, but anyway it shouldn't be more than 4-5 days. I'll see if I can add some last minute content as usual.

Do let me know if you have questions, or if I forgot something. Look forward to the update! ^_^


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