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The minotaur quest made good progress, I expect it to be finished this week, so I can pass it over to the testers, together with some more scenes/content. Speaking of which, this week I wrote a new scene for Dominique, and I expanded the hypno-scene you get in Sonya's quest (the one you can get if you don't have the outcast pendant).

I also added some more stuff to the walkthrough, but it's still missing things. I'll keep going at it whenever I have some time or I hit a lull in my inspiration, since that doesn't require much creativity.

Other than that, nothing much happened this week, so the post will be rather short this time. Stan wants to try his hand at a more realistic look, to see if he can make the kind of art I could use in TOTDC 2. While I won't be contacting other artists in the meantime, I am more than happy to collect names, if you know of any good ones. No matter what happens, knowing more artists could always be useful, and determining now if they would be a good fit would make things go faster in the future.

See you next week! ^_^


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