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Gosh darn it! How does it always manage to sneak up on me!?

Anyway, I am working on more noble content this time around. Specifically, I am taking this opportunity to introduce a new character at court (the ambivalent Secretary of Commerce Vash), and give players another chance to meet with Duke Kito and his son. Will you discuss things with the Duke, or flirt with the love-struck son to get your way in this next quest? You'll have to find out when the new release arrives, since the quest isn't finished yet! :p

The plan for the week is to finish this quest, and then write some more content (sexy and normal) for Golden Leaf. Eliza will get some more content for sure, and we'll have Erica host a noble party (assuming the city and the mansion are in reasonable shape) to impress her new peers and make her debut as a noble. We'll see how many blunders she'll accumulate.

I also did some writing for the next part of the short story (for the ones interested in that) following the results of the poll. I think I have a nice idea for it, so the hypno scene should be suitably hot (perfect for the winter season). XD

Anyway, that's all for now. As always, make sure to contact me for anything you might need about the game, or if I forgot anything. Have fun! ^_^


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