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In case you didn't notice the subtle spoiler in the title, I finished working on the first quest for the month. I think it's a simple, yet fun quest. I'd like to make the location visitable after the quest, but that might have to wait another update. It's not a lot of work to just make it available, but I'd like for it to be fun as well, and making things fun actually takes a bit of time.

I also started working on the second quest. On a related note, I tweaked the magic academy map a little, to make it a bit smaller (the quest will take place there), so when the time comes, I'll probably ask everyone to keep an eye out, to make sure I didn't create any issues (tweaking old content in RPG Maker breaks things soooo easily). The more I play around the map designer in RPG Maker, the more I hate making walls taller than two tiles, but at the same time, two tiles can be limiting, especially with certain tilesets. Oh well. Anyway, the new quest doesn't need too much extra work for the location (just a new map for the second floor of the academy, maybe a map for the third floor if I feel like having the extra space and finishing the magic academy map completely), so hopefully I should be able to wrap it up easily.

I also did some more work on my tests for TOTDC 2 on Ren'py. I expanded my experiments with the combat UI and mechanics (I have already replicated most of the functionalities I had in RAGS, and the UI will be better once everything is polished, in my opinion), and I did some work on the inventory and items. I think I should have no problems giving players a way to use items on interactive elements of the screen (so characters and items), which should open up the possibility for some RAGS-like puzzles, if I want to. It's not the biggest deal in the world, but it should be nice to have. Next, is experimenting a bit more with said interactive elements. I'll play around a little to figure out what's the best way to convey information to the players for the various available options. I might also want to try out some encyclopedia-like menus, for the biography of the various characters, extranet searches like in the first game, and so on.

Well, that's about it, really. Do let me know if I am forgetting something, otherwise, see you guys next week! ^_^


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