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So the testing for the slave content seems to have gone without a hitch so far, and should be pretty much ready for the release. I wasted a little too much time putting together the magic academy map, but I think it looks good (both on the inside and the outside). I did some work on the main quest related to those maps, but I'll probably keep it outside of the next release, which should happen in a day or two (it's not complete, so unless I hit a good breaking point, I'd rather keep it out of the next update completely, to avoid having an awkward cliffhanger).

I still need to decide how to handle nobility and other special cases on the slave path. I am considering taking the easy way out with nobles by preventing players from becoming slaves once they get a noble title, unless there are extraordinary circumstances, but I can take some time to mull it over.

Speaking of new releases, a friend of mine is currently working on a visual novel. I enjoyed the demo, so I figured I could share a link to his Patreon page with you guys.


The story is a bit weird, but it's told in a humorous way, and I really liked the presentation. I think the demo doesn't take too long to set the premise (and the twist), and it also includes the preview for one of the sexy scenes, so it should be easy to figure out if you would enjoy it as well or not. I think an update is about to hit today, so if you like what's there, you might be able to check out their progress.

By the way, I can't remember if I ever shared this short story with you guys. I actually wrote it for this friend of mine I mentioned, but currently I am pretty much free to do as I want with it, so I figured this could be interesting for you!


Anyway, this is it for today, look forward to the update very soon! ^_^


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