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So, I think the poll results are pretty much definitive by now. Since the top choice by far was to improve tilesets/characters, I figured I'd ask once again, so I can get a "priority list". I already took advantage of the Steam sale to grab some tilesets/characters so I have a broader selection to pick from. I also grabbed some more music, and some tilesets which might be used in one of my possible future games, but that will have to wait until I have a demo ready (I am slowly working on those). ^_^

Anyway, the poll will be separated in two categories, so I can ask questions specific for sprites and tilesets. This should let me know what I should tackle first (and on what I should invest more money). Feel free to pick more than one fault, if you think they are present in the sprites/tilesets I use, or just pick the one you think is present the most (if you have examples you'd like to bring up, please do so in the comments). Let's vote!


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