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So here is this month's update! The changelog is as follows:

  • You can now sleep away from home: added inns (you can sleep on the streets if you have no money), and a camping tent you can use in the overworld map/ and in the "wilderness" (if you are using an old save, you should be able to get the tent in your house in Tarkas, just look around for it XD);
  • Changes to travel (going by sea takes 1 time slot; the Cornelius pass accident now will block carts from travelling around in chapter 2 & 3;
  • Chapter 3 intro added (main quest still unavailable, but this triggers the extra content for nobles at Golden Leaf);
  • Added "nightly raid" scenes for Jin;
  • Added content to Golden leaf (Gold mine quest, an "investigation" quest, new NPCs and maps, renovations to the mansion and the town, etc);
  • Slight changes to combat (introduced gold/items rewards for fighting enemies, but it needs to be refined, it's just an experiment for now);
  • There is a new explorable area in the slums, but it's unfinished (we just have the exterior mapped out);

There is a single bugfix from last version, involving a black screen issue with the secretary job, unless I am forgetting something.

I have been helped by Tanner_6984 for testing this month as well, so hopefully there shouldn't be any big issues, but do let me know if something slipped by, there are always a lot of moving parts, so it can be hard to test every possibility.

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this one. Have fun! ^_^


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