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So, I decided to write this post to start us along the path of a help page. For now, sharing my personal notes should be enough to give people a pretty good look behind the curtains of the game. The idea would be to start from here to:

A) Add any/all details which are missing that people find interesting;

B) Eventually write a proper help page.

I don't think I will take it on myself to write a walkthrough (I loathe writing them), but I am willing to help in any way possible if someone wants to (I usually release games without encryption, but since I am using DLCs and whatnot I can't this time around).

I also don't think the format for Patreon is good enough to handle a help page, that's why I'll write it on my blog (still not ideal, but it gives me better controls on the text).

Anyway, that's enough of an explanation, below you'll find a link to the rough cut of my notes for the game.



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